Quel est l'équivalent américain de «Joint of Sirloin»?
Sharon P
2015-02-22 19:28:18 UTC
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Wanting to make a roast for dinner tonight. The recipe is a British one calling for 1.5Kg of 'joint of sirloin' but I think the butchers in America call it by 'where' on the sirloin it is. The recipe calls for roasting it around 55 min. Thanks!

Un répondre:
Cos Callis
2015-02-22 20:35:13 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

Any butcher can probably get you a Joint of Sirloin by request, but you will not likely find it "on the shelf".

A "Joint of Sirloin" is a rare cut in the US given the other possible uses of the sirloin.If one looks at the T-Bone/Porterhouse cuts, where the the "T"-bone bi-sects the steak. The smaller side is the tenderloin and the larger side is sirloin. While it is not entirely uncommon for the short-loin primal to be cut to form a tenderloin roast from that side of the "joint" when that is done the sirloin is then usually (in the US) trimmed to be either "New York Strips" or "Kansas City Strips".

Here we see a section of the short loin primal, from this end only a thin layer of fat separate the tender loin from the sirloin.

Here we see a section of the short loin primal, from this end only a thin layer of fat separate the tender loin from the sirloin.

enter image description here

And this is the trimmed joint of sirloin.

enter image description here

And the Bone-in version of the joint of sirloin

Habituellement, dans ma région au moins (nord, Royaume-Uni), nous appelons utiliser le nom de surlonge pour le steak et le contre-filet pour l'ensemble du joint.
En effet, j'ai appris que les coupures que nous pouvons considérer comme «courantes» sont souvent beaucoup plus localisées que nous ne le pensons.

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